Highlights this week
Are you pregnant this week?
You’re not pregnant yet, but if you conceive this week, you’ll be two weeks pregnant. That’s because healthcare providers use your last menstrual period to determine your due date, so technically the first day of your period is also the first day of your pregnancy. Since you ovulate about two weeks into your cycle, conception happens around the time you’re two weeks pregnant.
The best time to conceive
You’re most fertile during the three days leading up to ovulation. Signs you may be ovulating include changes in your basal body temperature, breast tenderness, mild cramps, and increased vaginal discharge.
Detecting ovulation
To get pregnant faster, use our Ovulation Calculator, which can help you determine your most fertile days. You can also use ovulation test strips to figure out the days when sex (or insemination) is most likely to lead to pregnancy.
Baby development at 2 weeks
Getting ready to grow a baby
During the past few days, an increase in estrogen and progesterone prompted the lining of your uterus to thicken to support a fertilized egg. At the same time, in your ovaries, eggs have “ripened” in fluid-filled sacs called follicles.
An egg is released
Once you ovulate, an egg erupts from its follicle and is swept from your ovary into a fallopian tube. Ovulation doesn’t necessarily occur right in the middle of your cycle. For example, it could happen any time between days 9 and 21 for women with a 28-day cycle.

Sperm meets egg
During the 24 hours after ovulation, your egg will be fertilized if one healthy sperm manages to swim from your vagina through your cervix, then up through your uterus into your fallopian tube, and penetrate the egg. There are nearly 250 million sperm in an ejaculation, and about 400 sperm survive the 10-hour journey to the egg. But it’s usually only one that succeeds in burrowing through its outer membrane.
The genes combine
In the next 10 to 30 hours, the successful sperm’s nucleus merges with the egg’s and they combine their genetic material. If the sperm carries a Y chromosome, your baby will be a boy. If it has an X chromosome, you’ll conceive a girl. The fertilized egg is called a zygote.
The egg takes three or four days to travel from the fallopian tube to your uterus, dividing into 100 or more identical cells along the way. Once it enters the uterus, it’s called a blastocyst. A day or two later, it will begin burrowing into the lush lining of your uterus, where it continues to grow and divide.
Pregnancy symptoms during week 2
Slippery cervical mucus
Cervical mucus is the vaginal discharge you sometimes find in your underwear. In the days around ovulation, it’ll be clear, slippery, and stretchy – like raw egg whites.
Mild cramping
Some women notice mild cramps or twinges of pain in their abdomen, or a one-sided backache, around the time of ovulation. This is known as mittelschmerz – German for “middle pain.”
Increased sex drive
Your sex drive may rev up and your body odor may be more attractive to men around the time you’re fertile.
Heightened sense of smell
Some studies have found that a woman’s sense of smell gets stronger near ovulation – and it may be especially sensitive to male pheromones.
Tender breasts
Hormonal changes around ovulation may make your breasts feel a bit full or sore. To learn more about what to expect in the coming weeks, read about how breasts change during pregnancy.
Cervical changes
During ovulation, your cervix is softer, higher, wetter, and more open. You can feel these changes if you reach inside your vagina with a finger to examine your cervix, though you may have to check it daily to recognize the differences.
A boost in your basal body temperature (BBT)
You can use a special thermometer to take your BBT every morning. On the day after you ovulate, it goes up a bit and stays elevated until your next period.

Pregnancy checklist at 2 weeks pregnant
Take your vitamins
If you haven’t yet, start taking a prenatal vitamin with at least 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid every day. Prenatal vitamins provide essential nutrients for you and your baby, including iron, vitamin D, and calcium. Folic acid reduces your baby’s risk of certain birth defects, and it’s crucial to get enough – especially very early in pregnancy when your baby’s neural tube is developing.
See your healthcare provider
It’s a good idea to have a preconception checkup to make sure your body is in the best possible shape for baby-making. Find out whether you should stop taking any prescription or over-the-counter medications or supplements. Also use this time to talk about any problems or concerns you have about pregnancy or parenthood.
Consider this blood test
You and your partner may want to get genetic carrier screening to see whether you carry genes that would put your baby at risk for serious inherited illnesses. Although many of these conditions are rare, a large study found that 24 percent of those tested were carriers for at least one genetic mutation. Talking to a genetic counselor will help you stay informed about your reproductive choices.
Have frequent sex
Wondering how often to have sex to get pregnant? Studies show that the highest pregnancy rates are in couples who have sex daily or every other day. But you don’t have to get busy that often: A good rule of thumb is to try at least every two to three days soon after the end of your period. Sperm can live in your body for about 72 hours, so if you have sex in the three-day span before ovulation, there will be sperm waiting to greet your just-released egg.
Make time for self-care
When you take care of your mental health and physical well-being, you’re better able to care for others. Start filling your cup now by eating foods that support pregnancy, getting good quality sleep, exercising, and managing your stress. Try massage, yoga, or deep breathing: Reducing your stress levels can increase your odds of conceiving and having a healthy pregnancy.
Prepare your body for pregnancy
Taking the time to strengthen your belly and back before (or while) your body changes will benefit you throughout pregnancy and beyond. A stronger core prevents back problems as your bump grows, and even shortens your recovery time after childbirth. Weight training and yoga are two good activities to help you get stronger.
Know what to avoid
When you’re trying to conceive and newly pregnant, you’ll want to steer clear of tobacco, marijuana, illegal drugs, alcohol, and too much caffeine.