Caffeine: Does it affect your fertility?

iced coffee on a table

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Does caffeine affect fertility?

It might. Some studies have found a link between caffeine consumption and a woman’s ability to conceive, while others have not. Most experts say there just isn’t enough evidence to make a definite conclusion about caffeine and fertility.

Although researchers haven’t been able to find a clear connection between moderate caffeine intake and fertility problems, it’s generally considered safe to consume 200 to 300 milligrams (mg) of caffeine daily while trying to conceive. That’s up to two 8-ounce cups of coffee for a weak brew. If you get more than that, it might be a good idea to cut back.

Which foods and beverages contain caffeine?

Coffee is one, of course. The amount of caffeine in a serving of coffee varies widely, depending on the type of bean, how it’s roasted, how it’s brewed – and, obviously, on the size of the coffee cup. (For example, espresso contains more caffeine per ounce, but it’s served in a tiny cup. So a full cup of brewed coffee will actually deliver more caffeine.)

To manage your caffeine intake, you’ll need to be aware of other sources, like tea, soft drinks, energy drinks, chocolate, and coffee ice cream. Caffeine also shows up in herbal products and over-the-counter drugs, including some headache, cold, and allergy remedies. Read labels carefully.

Amount of caffeine in common foods and beverages

Coffee Amount Caffeine
coffee, generic brewed 8 oz 95-200 mg
coffee, Starbucks brewed 16 oz 330 mg
coffee, Dunkin’ Donuts brewed 16 oz 211 mg
caffé latte, misto, or cappuccino, Starbucks 16 oz 150 mg
caffé latte, misto, or cappuccino, Starbucks 12 oz 75 mg
espresso, Starbucks 1 oz (1 shot ) 75 mg
espresso, generic 1 oz (1 shot) 64 mg
coffee, generic instant 1 tsp granules 31 mg
coffee, generic decaffeinated 8 oz 2 mg


Tea Amount Caffeine
black tea, brewed 8 oz 47 mg
green tea, brewed 8 oz 25 mg
black tea, decaffeinated 8 oz 2 mg
Starbucks Tazo Chai Tea latte 16 oz 95 mg
instant tea, unsweetened 1 tsp powder 26 mg
Snapple 16 oz 42 mg
Lipton Brisk iced tea 12 oz 5 mg


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Soft drinks Amount Caffeine
Coke 12 oz 35 mg
Diet Coke 12 oz 47 mg
Pepsi 12 oz 38 mg
Diet Pepsi 12 oz 36 mg
Jolt Cola 12 oz 72 mg
Mountain Dew 12 oz 54 mg
7-Up 12 oz 0 mg
Sierra Mist 12 oz 0 mg
Sprite 12 oz 0 mg


Energy drinks Amount Caffeine
Red Bull 8.3 oz 77 mg
SoBe Essential Energy, berry or orange 8 oz 48 mg
5-Hour Energy 2 oz 138 mg


How can I cut back on caffeine?

If you decide to drink less caffeine, cut back slowly to avoid withdrawal symptoms, such as fatigue and headaches.

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You might want to start by switching to a drink that’s half regular brew and half decaf. Or reduce the caffeine in homemade hot beverages by watering them down or brewing them for a shorter time. If you love to start your day with a cup of English Breakfast tea, steeping your tea bag for one minute instead of five reduces the caffeine by as much as half.

Once you’ve acclimated to life with little or no caffeine, you may find steamed milk with a shot of flavored syrup to be a nice coffee substitute – and the calcium will do you good.

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Nancy Montgomery

Nancy Montgomery
Nancy Montgomery is a health and wellness writer and editor. She lives with her husband in Berkeley, California, and has an adult daughter. She especially enjoys working on safety-related content, and organizing and presenting important information in a way that’s easily accessible to parents.