Fertility foods: What to eat when trying to conceive


There aren’t any magical fertility foods to help you get pregnant, but studies show that eating whole grains, fruits, vegetables, fish, and vegetable proteins may increase your chances of conceiving. Here’s how.

couple prepping vegetables in the kitchen

Photo credit: iStock.com / Erdark
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There isn’t any conclusive evidence that specific foods can make you more fertile. But research has found that a well-balanced diet full of good-for-you foods can support your overall health and therefore possibly help you get pregnant.

That’s in part because your general lifestyle does matter when trying to get pregnant. You can optimize your body for conception by maintaining a healthy weight, eating healthy foods, and minimizing the junky stuff such as saturated fats, simple sugars, and processed foods. Practicing smart eating habits now can help you have a healthy pregnancy once you conceive, too.

How can I get pregnant quickly?

Three things you can do to maximize your chances of getting pregnant quickly.

Here are some suggestions for how and what to eat in order to set the stage for a healthy pregnancy and baby.

Foods that may support fertility

Fruits and vegetables

Think of produce as Mother Nature’s multivitamin. Fruits and vegetables deliver a wide variety of vitamins and minerals, and getting enough of certain nutrients is especially important before you conceive.

For example, foods like spinach, brussels sprouts, asparagus, broccoli, citrus fruits, nuts, legumes, whole grains, and fortified breads and cereals are high in the B vitamin folate. Folate is a natural form of folic acid, an essential nutrient in prenatal vitamins, which you should take

Eating foods rich in folate during preconception and pregnancy can help prevent neural-tube birth defects such as spina bifida. You can lose a lot of this vitamin in cooking water, so steam or cook vegetables in a small amount of water to preserve the folate.

In general, choose fruits and vegetables in a range of colors to get the most nutritional bang for your buck. (Eating a produce “rainbow” gives you a wider variety of nutrients.)


Seafood is the best source of omega-3 fatty acids; and, according to some scientists, these essential fats may have a positive effect on fertility. Research suggests that a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids is associated with an increased probability of conceiving naturally (without assisted reproductive technologies), and therefore it’s safe and even encouraged that you eat fish when you’re trying to conceive.

On the other hand, you’ve probably also heard that some types of fish contain contaminants such as mercury. In high doses, heavy metals like this are harmful to a baby’s developing brain and nervous system. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advises limiting some fish, including white (albacore) tuna, and completely avoiding swordfish, marlin, orange roughy, tilefish from the Gulf of Mexico, king mackerel, bigeye tuna, and shark, because these have the highest mercury levels.

The good news is that not all fish contain a lot of mercury. The FDA also says that women trying to conceive can safely eat up to 12 ounces (roughly two or three servings) a week of fish, including canned light tuna, salmon, shrimp, cod, tilapia, and catfish.

You can take fish oil supplements if you don’t like seafood, but talk to your provider first about which brand to buy and how much to take.


There’s some scientific proof that eating oysters can boost fertility. Oysters are packed with zinc, which plays a role in semen and testosterone production in men and ovulation and fertility in women. These mollusks are also notorious for being an aphrodisiac.

Still, that doesn’t mean you have to down a plate of oysters on the half shell at every meal. Maintaining the recommended dietary allowance of zinc (8 mg a day for women and 11 mg for men) can help keep your reproductive system working properly, but excessive amounts of zinc (or any nutrient, for that matter) will not turn either you or your partner into a baby-making machine. And, an excess of zinc in your body can interfere with your body’s ability to absorb copper, which can adversely affect the immune system.

Vegetable proteins

Protein is a critical part of a healthy diet, but according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA), many Americans rely too heavily on beef, pork, and chicken to get their daily amount. In a study of 18,555 women, experts at Harvard Medical School found that those who included one daily serving of vegetable protein – such as nuts, beans, peas, soybeans, or tofu – were less likely to have infertility due to ovulation problems. Research also shows that replacing meat proteins with vegetable proteins can reduce the risk of infertility as well.

More research is needed on the link to fertility, but because vegetable proteins are usually lower in fat and calories than steak or chicken, including them in your meal plans is both good for you and a great way to maintain a healthy weight.

Whole grains

Eating as many nutrient-rich foods as possible while trying to conceive is recommended, and whole grains are a great option. According to studies, healthy diets that include whole grains are associated with better fertility. In fact, one study found that women who introduced whole grains into their diets before undergoing fertility treatment such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) had a higher probability of implantation and live birth.

The USDA food guidelines recommend that you make at least half of the grains you eat each day whole grains such as bran cereal, oatmeal, brown rice, or whole-wheat bread.

Full-fat dairy products

Interestingly, studies have found that full-fat dairy products such as yogurt, whole milk, and cheese increase your chances of getting pregnant, while low-fat dairy products like skim milk have the opposite effect on fertility.

Foods to avoid while trying to conceive

Steer clear of fad diets while trying to get pregnant, as some of these diets can deplete your body of essential nutrients. Also try to minimize your consumption of:


Research finds that abstaining from alcohol completely while trying to conceive isn’t totally necessary. But binge-drinking, which the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines as consuming 4 or more drinks for women or 5 or more drinks for men in just a few hours, will likely affect your chances of getting pregnant.

Alcohol can harm a developing fetus, and since you may not know exactly when you ovulate or conceive, you may want to play it safe and cut out alcohol completely. It’s a good excuse to enjoy some delicious and classic “virgin” drinks!

Trans fats

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Consuming high amounts of trans fats, found in many processed, fried and fast foods, is linked to infertility in women and to lower sperm counts and less than ideal sperm formation and lower sperm counts in men. Trans fats may also have a negative impact on the duration of pregnancy, resulting in preterm labor and birth.

Refined carbohydrates

Studies have found that eating higher amounts of refined carbohydrates like white bread, pasta, and white rice can lower your likelihood of getting pregnant. These foods also generally shortchange your body, because the refining process strips grains of key nutrients such as fiber, some B vitamins, and iron.

If you have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), the most common cause of infertility in women, pay extra attention to the types of carbs you eat. PCOS is a hormonal imbalance that can get worse when insulin levels in the bloodstream surge, and refined carbohydrates are a main cause of insulin spikes.


There’s some evidence that very high caffeine consumption – more than 500 milligrams a day, or about five 8-ounce cups of coffee, depending on the strength of the brew – might interfere with fertility. But experts generally agree that low to moderate caffeine consumption (less than 200 milligrams a day, or about two 8-ounce cups of coffee) likely won’t make it harder for you to get pregnant.

Because no one knows for sure the direct correlation between caffeine and fertility, some experts suggest lowering your caffeine intake even more or giving it up entirely, especially if you’re having difficulty conceiving or if you’re undergoing in vitro fertilization.

Is it important to avoid certain foods if I’m taking letrozole for fertility?

Generally speaking, you don’t need to avoid any foods while taking letrozole. Letrozole is most often used as a breast cancer drug, but it can be prescribed off-label for women trying to get pregnant. Letrozole for infertility is typically given during the follicular phase of your menstrual cycle; it blocks estrogen production and tells your brain to produce follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which causes one ovary or both ovaries to release one or multiple eggs, also known as ovulation.

However, letrozole for fertility could lead to side effects such as hot flashes and night sweats, so you may want to avoid spicy foods to minimize the discomfort.

Does my male partner need to change their diet if we’re trying to conceive?

When it comes to fertility and diet, men don’t get a free pass. It’s a good idea for your male partner to pay attention to his diet since certain vitamins and nutrients – such as zinc and vitamins C and E, omega-3 fatty acids, and folic acid – are as important for making healthy sperm as they are in making healthy eggs. About 40 to 50 percent of infertility is due to male factor infertility.

In fact, some data shows that sperm count and quality have declined over the last forty years or so, in part due to the influx of men with unhealthy lifestyles, high-fat diets, and obesity. On the contrary, studies have found that men who ate fish, fruits, vegetables, and legumes like walnuts that are high in selenium and zinc were more fertile than those who didn’t. Research has also concluded that it’s a good idea for men who are trying for a pregnancy to limit their intake of trans fats, processed meats, and large amounts of soy to maximize their fertility potential.

Other ways to support fertility

Trying to conceive isn’t just about eating a good diet; it’s also about preparing your body for a healthy pregnancy and baby. Here are the essential steps to take:

Take a prenatal vitamin with folic acid

Even if you have a very balanced diet, it’s still important to take prenatal vitamins to reduce the risk of having a baby with neural tube defects (NTD) such as spina bifida. Most experts recommend that all women start taking folic acid at least a month before trying to get pregnant. In fact, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends all women of child-bearing age take a prenatal vitamin with 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid daily, and then bump this dosage up to 600 mcg once pregnant and throughout the first trimester.

If you have a family history of NTD or take medication for seizures, your healthcare provider may suggest that you boost your daily folic acid intake to 4,000 mcg, or 4 mg, starting at least a month before you conceive and continuing throughout your first trimester.

Taking a prenatal vitamin ensures that you’re getting enough folic acid and other essential nutrients to boost your chances of conceiving a healthy baby. Bonus: There’s some evidence that taking a prenatal vitamin before you conceive can help you avoid morning sickness once you’re pregnant.

A good over-the-counter prenatal vitamin should contain more than the minimum recommendation of folic acid, but if your provider wants you to take more, you may need to take a separate folic acid supplement. Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin, so your body will flush out the excess if you consume too much. Be aware that getting too much folate may hide a vitamin B12 deficiency, which is sometimes a problem for vegetarians. Ask your doctor or midwife if you think you may be at risk.

Remember that a supplement is a safeguard, not a substitute for a sound diet. And since regular over-the-counter multivitamins may contain megadoses of vitamins and minerals that could be harmful to a developing baby, choose a pill formulated specifically for pregnant women.

If you stick to a vegetarian diet, you may also need vitamin D and B12 supplements, which studies say are beneficial for fertility, along with extra protein. Talk with your healthcare provider about the right prenatal supplement for you.

You might want to ask your male partner to consider taking a daily multivitamin that contains zinc and selenium for at least three months before conception. It takes about 74 days for sperm to fully develop and benefit from a man’s lifestyle changes, including supplementation, so he can try to get a head start.

Avoid smoking and recreational drugs

If you use any recreational drugs or smoke, quit now. Studies have shown that women who smoke have a significantly increased risk of infertility. Although the effects of drugs on fertility are difficult to study because they’re illegal, it’s been well documented that these substances can harm a developing fetus, put you at higher risk for preterm labor and delivery, and increase your odds of having a baby with a birth defect.

Maintain a healthy weight

Being overweight or underweight can make it harder to get pregnant, so try to maintain a healthy body mass index (BMI) while you’re trying to conceive. Keep in mind that obese women have more pregnancy and birth complications, and underweight women are more likely to have a low-birth-weight baby.

Eat plenty of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and calcium-rich foods such as yogurt, cheese, and milk every day. Not getting enough nutrients can affect your menstrual cycle, making it difficult to predict when you ovulate. And you may not ovulate at all if you’re significantly underweight or obese.

In addition to following a smart eating plan with low-fat, high-fiber foods, get regular exercise. If you’re overweight, aim to lose one to two pounds a week, a safe rate of weight loss. Extreme weight loss from crash dieting can deplete your body’s nutritional stores, which isn’t a good way to start a pregnancy.

Pump up your iron intake

Too little iron at conception not only can affect your baby, it can also put you at risk for iron-deficiency anemia during pregnancy and after you give birth (especially if you lose a lot of blood during delivery). Anemia causes your red blood cells to fall below normal and saps your energy.

So, make sure you’re getting enough iron before you get pregnant, about 18 milligrams daily, especially if your periods are heavy, since menstruating depletes your iron. Up your iron intake during pregnancy to about 27 mg per day ,either through supplementation, iron-rich foods, or both, because your total blood volume increases while pregnant and your developing baby uses up your stores of the mineral.

If you don’t eat much red meat, or if you follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, your healthcare provider may recommend that you take a prenatal vitamin containing extra iron. You’ll know if you have an iron deficiency during pregnancy, since most providers will test your iron levels during a routine blood panel at your preconception checkup.

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Haley Longman
Haley Longman is a New Jersey-based writer and editor who spent the early years of her journalism career covering entertainment, celebrities, and reality TV. She has been creating a wider range of lifestyle content since becoming a mom in 2017, including writing and editing digital and print stories on her favorite topics: women’s health, fertility, pregnancy, and parenting. Longman lives in North Jersey with her husband and their son.