What to do if your baby cries when put down


Medically reviewed byÂShawnté James, M.D., neonatal and pediatric hospitalist

newborn baby crying in crib

Photo credit: BONNINSTUDIO / Stocksy United

Most parents can agree baby snuggles are great, but there are also times when you need to put your baby down. During those moments when you need both hands, it can feel frustrating and exhausting to hear your baby cry in protest.

Maybe your baby sleeps soundly while you rock them, but their eyes pop open and they start to whimper when you lay them in their crib. Or, they might start wailing when you set them on their playmat for a few minutes to use the bathroom or make yourself a sandwich.

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There are many reasons why babies are most content when held and cry when put down, including separation anxiety, discomfort, or adjusting to a new environment. Here’s how to soothe your baby when you can’t hold them, and help them adjust to being physically apart from you.

Why does my newborn cry when put down?

Newborn babies often cry when put down for a few different reasons.

They want to be close to you

It’s no secret newborn babies require a lot of attention from their caregivers, including physical closeness. Newborns are used to the comfort of your cozy womb and the soothing sound of your heartbeat, so it’s natural for them to feel secure in your arms. Close contact also fulfills a biological need for newborns to form secure attachments to caregivers, which is important for developing social and emotional skills.

They startle

Newborns experience a startle reflex (also known as the Moro reflex) that causes them to fling out their arms and legs and throw their heads back. This reflex often jolts sleeping babies awake and may frighten some babies and cause them to cry. The startle reflex is one of many newborn reflexes babies are born with. It should go away by about 2 months old.

They’re going through a fussy period

All babies cry, though your baby’s individual temperament and their age may determine how much they cry and for how long. It’s common for new babies to seem to cry all the time, often crying for no reason you can discern.

Some babies have colic, excessive crying that often peaks around 6 weeks old. Many others don’t fit the exact definition of colic, but have a lot of fussiness and crying from about 2 weeks of age to 3 or 4 months. This is sometimes referred to as the period of “purple crying.” It comes from the acronym PURPLE, which stands for “Peak of crying,” “Unexpected,” “Resists soothing,” “Pain-like face,” “Long-lasting,” and “Evening.”

During these weeks it can be really difficult to soothe your baby, and they may cry for several hours a day no matter what you do. Some newborns are especially fussy in the evening – this phenomenon is known as the “baby witching hour.”

The period of PURPLE crying is a challenging time for parents. You may not be able to easily identify the source of your baby’s crying and it may persist whether you’re holding your baby or not. If you start to feel overly stressed or frustrated by your baby’s crying, put them down in a safe location (like their crib) and take a moment to yourself.

Why does my older baby cry or scream when put down?

Older babies may also dislike being put down – here are a few different reasons why:

Separation anxiety

It’s common for babies to start experiencing separation anxiety around 8 or 9 months old. At this point, babies have established attachments with their caregivers and understand object permanence – the idea that things and people still exist even when out of sight.

Separation anxiety is a normal part of your child’s development, and it’s a sign you’ve established a secure attachment with your baby. But it can feel overwhelming. You can help ease separation anxiety with short “practice” sessions apart. Put your baby down in a safe place and tell them you’ll be back soon, then leave their sight for a few seconds. Keep practicing and extending the amount of time you’re gone. Slowly, your baby will learn that they’re okay while you’re gone and that you always come back.

Inability to self-soothe

Many babies love to be held and rocked at night or fed to sleep. Some babies may easily transfer to their own sleeping space, but others will wake when you put them down and struggle to self-soothe or put themselves back to sleep. This is a skill that takes time to learn and may come more naturally to some babies than others. The good news is you can help teach self-soothing by establishing a consistent bedtime routine and putting your baby down drowsy but awake.

How do I get my baby to stop crying when I put them down?

There are a few ways you can help your little one feel more comfortable so they won’t cry when you need to put them down:

  • Swaddle them. Many newborns are soothed by swaddling, which involves wrapping your baby snugly in a thin blanket. The close fit of a swaddle resembles the coziness of the womb. It also makes it less likely that the startle reflex will wake your baby.
  • Wear your baby. Wearing your baby in a carrier helps mimic their experience in the womb. Many babies love being held close in a carrier, and your movement may even soothe them to sleep. Plus, wearing your baby allows you some freedom to use your hands (so you can get yourself a snack!).
  • Try a bouncer or swing. If your baby cries when you put them down on a play mat, try a bouncer or swing instead. Many babies love the back-and-forth motion of these devices, and using them can give you a much-needed break.
  • Ask for help. Cuddling a newborn is one of the best parts of parenting, but there are times when you need to put your baby down and take care of yourself. Reach out to your friends and family, and let them love on your baby so you can take a nap or a shower.
  • Try sleep training for older babies. By about 6 months old, most babies are developmentally able to establish self-soothing skills and sleep independently. You can help teach these skills with a sleep training method that helps your baby learn to sleep on their own. There are a few different methods to choose from, and the right one for you will depend on your baby’s temperament and your personal preference.
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Erin Heger
Erin Heger

Erin Heger is a freelance journalist who writes about health, parenting, and social issues. Her work has appeared in The Atlantic, HuffPost, Business Insider, and Rewire News Group. Born and raised in Kansas, she lives just outside Kansas City with her husband and three kids.