What are some of the behaviors I can expect in my newborn?
As your baby learns to adjust to their new surroundings after birth, you might be amazed (and even startled) by how your infant moves in reaction to sights, sounds and touches. But keep in mind that your baby is experiencing a huge change from their previous environment in the dark and cozy womb – so with their arrival comes a variety of physical responses.
One of the reflexes you’ll notice is a tightly clenched fist or two. This primitive motion is also called the palmar grasp and you can trigger it by softly stroking your baby’s open palm with your finger. You’ll see your baby’s fist clench right away in response. This natural tendency is one of many involuntary motions that many babies do. Others include:
Rooting:Â This important reflex helps your baby find the nipple you’re giving and it starts at birth. You can see it in action by touching your infant’s cheek to get them to turn their head toward the breast or bottle.
Sucking:Â Even before your baby is born they’re practicing how to suckle. This instinct to suck at whatever is placed in their mouth is a skill you and your baby will hone during many feedings in the early weeks.
Moro reflex:Â Also called the startle response, this reflex appears at birth and causes your baby to flail their arms in a sudden motion when they’re surprised by a glaring light, loud noise or even a sensation of falling.
Tonic neck reflex This one’s funny as it looks like your baby is saying “en garde!” With this at-birth “fencing” posture, your infant’s head turns to one side and then the same side’s arm straightens out while the other arm bends, as if they’re wielding a sword and jousting
Why might my baby clench their fists?
Clenched fists are a neurologic response that occur as your baby’s nervous system continues to develop. Your infant’s tightly squeezed fists, along with bent elbows, arms and legs, are also a leftover in-utero habit when they were folded into a tight fetal ball. Hungry babies will also clench their fists – and if your baby has a case of colic, watch for this same motion.
How can I get my baby to relax their clenched hands?
You usually don’t need to get your baby to relax a clenched fist because this reflex will naturally fade away around five to six months of age. If your baby is clenching fists because of stress or colic, try to soothe with some swaddling, singing and shushing. And, of course, if it’s feeding time, offer the breast or bottle. As soon as you start, you should see their hands open up and relax.
You can play around with the palmar grasp by placing your finger in your baby’s hand and watching it close (you’ll be surprised how strong their grip is!). A similar motion occurs on infant feet (it’s called the plantar grasp). Stroke the sole and watch those tiny toes curl into themselves.
Should I ever worry if my baby clenches their fists?
It’s normal to worry about your baby’s development from time to time or to compare their progress to other babies in your family and friend circle. But remember, at your baby’s regular well-visits, your child’s provider is checking every reflex as part of a thorough medical exam to be sure each one is responding appropriately to various kinds of stimuli.
But if you or your baby’s healthcare provider notices that a particular reflex like clenched fists is hanging on for longer than normal, it could signal a problem with your baby’s nervous system. In rare cases, exaggerated reflexes could point to cerebral palsy or hypertonia, which is stiff muscle tone. You can always ask your baby’s pediatrician about reflexes and your baby’s development if you’re concerned about anything.