Highlights this week Baby kicks coming soon You’ll probably start feeling your baby move between 16 and 22 weeks, most likely when you’re sitting or lying quietly….
Baby development at 15 weeks
Highlights this week Baby gender predictor If you have an ultrasound coming up, you may be able to find out your baby’s sex if you don’t know already. Just…
Pregnancy symptoms during week 14
Highlights this week Welcome to your second trimester! This is many moms’ favorite part of pregnancy. You’ll feel your baby move, see them on an ultrasound, and…
Baby development at 13 weeks
Highlights this week Fading first-trimester symptoms As you cruise into the second trimester, you may get some relief from early pregnancy symptoms such as tender breasts, fatigue, food aversions, morning sickness, and…
Pregnancy symptoms during week 12
Highlights this week Your growing uterus Your uterus has grown to the size of a grapefruit! Your healthcare provider can now feel the top of…
Pregnancy checklist at 11 weeks pregnant
Highlights this week When you’ll feel kicks Your baby is busy somersaulting and stretching, but they’re still too small for you to notice it. You…
Baby development at 10 weeks
Highlights this week Hearing the heartbeat You may hear your baby’s heartbeat on a fetal Doppler during your next prenatal visit. It’s much faster than an adult…
Baby development at 9 weeks
Highlights this week Your baby’s body Your baby has all the essential body parts now, including elbows and knees. On your baby’s face, the upper…
Baby development at 8 weeks
Highlights this week Your baby’s fingers and toes Your baby’s hands and feet – which look like paddles – are sprouting webbed fingers and toes. Nerves,…
Baby development at 7 weeks
Highlights this week Your baby takes shape Your baby’s little features – eyes, nose, mouth, and ears – are starting to look more defined. Arm and…